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Friday, July 20, 2012

The BIG three ohhhhh.

Wow!  I cannot believe I've been at this 30 days now!

Seriously, this is my 30th published post of 30 days in a row.  When I first started this blog lo that many month ago I didn't think I could do 30 days straight but that was my goal. 

"Write for thirty days" I said to myself.
"You write for thirty days ya jackass, I'm busy!"  I said back.
"What" I queried?
"You heard me"  I retorted.
"But, you... errrr... you're me.. and how..."  you know what, it just gets sillier for a bit after that.  Just know that in the end I worked it out with me and we're both better off for myselves.

Right, then.

To be honest, I did skip my second or third day at this, but I posted twice the very next day!  So it evens out.  Also, I guess I have been kind of lax on holidays and weekends,  but I still put something out there on those days, even it really was just me writing about how I don't plan on writing much that day.  As it turns out, I typically still write something more significant on those days but I simply do not publish that days efforts until later in the week.

Pretty much, at any given moment I have 3 to 5 "gems" just waiting for me to be finished with them and publish!  GEMS I TELL YOU!!!

Most days, I'll have a thought in my head (just most days mind you, not every day) and so I start typing in a direction towards that thought.  And then I get lost.  LITERATURE!

I honestly don't know where it all comes from.  Although I do have a theory.   Most ex-girlfriends parting words to me have been remarkably consistent: "You know what?  You're full of CRAP!"  they all say to me.  Well, it tends to be a variation of a similar expression, but you get the point.  I now understand what they really meant to say.  "You're full of WORDS."  See, it was the word "words" that they were going for.

All I can say to you, the reader, is, Thank you!  Thank you for checking in from day to day.  Some of you I know.  Many of you, I'm guessing I don't, especially those of you in Europe and Russia and even as faaaaaar away as Sunny Canada!  I probably don't know you so well but I'm certain I've met your beers!

I know that everything I write can't be a winner, or even necessarily good.  So it's times like this, when you're reading something remarkably un-monumental that I've published, that you should relax and just let these four words get you through your day:


It really has been very freeing for me to tell you from the very beginning, and even in my own blog title, that I can neither promise you that any of this will make sense nor is it really well thought out.  There is NO WAY I can disappoint you with the humdrum thoughts in my head.  My title is my disclaimer!  BRILLIANT!

I'll be amazed at myself if I can actually keep this pace up for another 30 days, but I'll try.  I'm baby stepping my way to 30 day increments of blogs.  So far, I've managed to make one step.  Although, I am taking a vacation in a few weeks, so chances are, I won't be posting much of anything.  I'm sorry for that.  I really am.

Of course, I'm assuming a lot thinking that you might miss what I have to say.  I'm sure you have plenty of things you can say to yourself in my absence, when/ if ever that happens for an extended period of time.  It is very presumptuous of me to think that you might not be capable of carrying on without me.  It is in fact more like I could not carry on without you.  I need you.  I need you to LIKE ME.... oh pleeeeeease just keep liking me.... pleeeeeeeeease......

But seriously, thank you.

Hmmmm.... maybe my ex-girlfriends were right.

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