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Saturday, July 7, 2012

The NERVE of some Saturdays

Saturday's are such wonderful days.

I don't have to do anything and yet I do stuff. Why is that? Why can't we let ourselves relax? Why must the weekends be our time of catch up?

I blame work and friends. How dare they keep me occupied during the week! Granted, work does not typically occupy my weekends, whereas friends... The nerve of them!

So as I sit here typing I am listening to the birds outside chirping, the coffee maker gurgling, my clock ticking, my dog breathing heavy and my air conditioner turning on and off all drowned out by the clicking of my keyboard.

I have nothing planned for my day so far, but I'll try to relax. However, I could really do to dust and vacuum around here and maybe organize my mail. I'm sure some buddy of mine will come over and give me grief for the appearance of this place.

How dare a buddy such as yourself take me out for a few beers on a weeknight and then pass judgement on me during the weekend when you (hopefully) stop by with pastries!!! I've got a whole day to do nothing and just a few things to do and here you are occupying my time with so called "kindness" and "thoughtfulness!"

How awful! I don't even know what I originally meant to type, you've gotten me so worked up by burdening me with what I really hope is a cheese danish or an apple fritter you burdensome wretch you!

Well, if you're just gonna show up unannounced I guess I better stop typing and start straightening up. I've got a busy day ahead of me and now I have to make time for you and those pastries! Ughhhhhh....

Seriously, where are you?

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