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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Next Position Please.

Imagine you are in bed.

You're lying flat on your back.

You have your iPad on your belly and you decide that this is a good time to type and entry for your blog.

As you begin to type you realize that you are having a hard time hitting the correct (virtual) keys because your screen is moving up and down with every breath you take. God forbid you yawn.

Also, at this very moment you are reminded of how much a complete pain in the ass presbyopia is. Sometimes you can see the screen clearly but if you look away for just a moment to see what's on your television or just to look at your dog, wondering why she has to be laying down next to you chewing on "herself," you have to refocus on the screen yet again. It is an experience in vertigo that can drive a lesser man insane.

You could try to move the iPad a little further down your body to lessen the effects of the presbyopia but then you can't reach the screen to type. It's not that you have stumpy arms or anything. It is simply a matter of reaching towards your lap while your laying flat. That's a workout.

You pause for a moment to review what you have typed and are really frustrated at how little you've typed in the past twenty minutes. Then it dawns on you how many typos you keep having to correct what with the screen moving up and down and the constant focus issues.

You decide that blogging in this position is too frustrating and you probably should just stop. Of course you could just sit up to type, but, no, lying down feels nice. You did try holding your breath so the screen would be more stable but after passing out and regaining consciousness you decided that that was a bad idea. So you decide your done blogging for the day.

I bet you feel silly now having gone through all of that just to type such a pointless blog.

God knows, I do!

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