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Monday, July 16, 2012

Inner league play may be the death of me.

I've shared this story with many people before, but it always makes me smile.  It comes to me as a wonderful memory every baseball season.

When the Cubs are playing and I'm cursing myself for being a member of their fan base, I am reminded that my child and I used to watch baseball on my afternoons off.  Of course, "afternoons off" now would mean "unemployment," but a few years back, I just worked really really early and had afternoons off.  That's not my story.  Be patient with me.

We were on the couch watching the Cubs playing the White Sox.  It was sunny outside and cool in the house.  The Cubs were actually winning.  I know right?

My child was two.

"Daddy, who do we like?"
"Well baby, we like the Cubs."
"The Blue team."
"Yes baby, the Blue team."
"We don't like the black team?"
"Nope. Never."

The inning ended and she and I went to the kitchen to poor her a drink during the commercial.  An ice cube  fell on the ground and before I could stop her, she put it into her juice.

"No, no.  ughhh.. no baby, I have to dump out your juice."
"Why Daddy?"
"It's filthy now, it's bad.  The ice cube was on the ground.  The juice is yucky now."
"We don't like it" She was going through a big like/ not like phase at this age.
"No baby, we hate the juice."  Sometimes I just get lost in my emotions.

I had no concept of how much my HATE for the JUICE had impacted her psyche, but I soon learned.

We sat back down to watch the game.  I'm sure the Sox had a pitcher change or something, because the Cubs were doing so well.  Yeahhhh, That's Right!  Anyway, during the change out, the broadcast showed some footage from other games going on. 

They showed the Cardinals:
"Do we like the red guys Daddy?"
"Absolutely NOT!!!"

And they showed the Pirates:
"Do we like that yellow team?"

The game went on and she and I were just happy and comfortable.

My mother-in-law stopped by while we were chillaxin in front of the big screen. She was so happy to see me and the child so cozy.

"Oh you two look so comfortable... watcha doing."

My little girl looked up at her so happy and proudly stated, "We're watching baseball ... Daddy doesn't like BLACK GUYS!!!!"

Black guys...  The words bounced around my head. 
Black... bounce...Guys. 
Black Guys?hmmmmmm...
BLACK.... G-

"OH SHEEYUT!!! WHAT DID SHE JUST SAY?!?!? My inner monologue screamed wildly.

I was choking on my drink and trying to sit up before I could stop her from saying anymore.  I failed...

"He hates the yellow and red people too!"

OH... MY... GOD!!!! What am I teaching this child?  My MIL (Mother-In-Law; not the Brewers) just stared at me confused and on the verge of being horrified....

"She's talking about the teams... their colors..."  I choked out...  "Tell your Mimi who we like!!!"

"We like the Blue Guys!"  She spoke so eloquently with a grin beaming from ear to ear.

"Oh what a relief!"  I thought to myself.

My MIL started to chuckle and even said, "Oh thank goodness.  Well that makes more sense."

My little angel looked at me, kind of confused and not laughing at all.  She then turned back to her Mimi. 

As her mouth opened, the world slowed down for me just a bit; what. is.. she... a.... bout.....  to

"And he hates the filthy jews!" she spouted defiantly in real time.....

"JUICE!!!!   SHE MEANS JUICE!!!" was all I could get out before my jaw fell open wide.

I'm sure with time and continued sensitivity training, everything is going to be just fine....


  1. Oh my .... hilarious. Kind of. The things our kids say ... :) I'll have to remember about the juice word :)

  2. i think juice just came out my nose!!
