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Monday, July 8, 2013

I didn't know I could sprain that.

I've mentioned before that I am blessed at my age to have a full head of hair.  I've also mentioned before that I had every intention of writing a follow up to the my previous article (Titled MOO-1... which I linked too in the third word of this posting).

This is not the follow up.

Just a quick posting to keep you up to date on my hair.

To re-cap, I have two cow-licks on the right side of my scalp; one in the front and one in the back.  For most of my youth I pretty much had a bowl cut (with two unsightly messy spots on the right side) but when puberty came about, I suddenly realized that I needed to impress girls.   So the bowl cut had to go.  I decided that what I really needed to do was part my hair on the left side (to the right) so I could look SECKSIE!

That was in 1984 and in the past 29 years since, I have still not achieved any level of "secksieness" that I am aware of.  It's pathetic.

Please note that I am not obsessed with hair care, or my hair styles.  I only remember it was 1984 because that was the year I started high school.

Parting my hair on the left side (to the right) caused my hair to pretty much poof up and and add about 2.5 to 3 inches to my height.  It was funny looking at best, but at the time it was cool because it was no bowl cut and I was taller.  It was also a pretty healthy distraction from my acne.

After two years of this, I got tired of fighting the urge for the hair on the right side of my scalp to push to the left whilst I was trying to force it all to go to the right.  So after two years of parting my hair on the left (to the right) I gave in to natures demands and starting parting my hair to the left (on the right).

It was much more natural and more comfortable.  The only time it every troubled me was when I would drive with the window down.  Since the driver's side is on the left in the States, the wind would blow my hair to the right thus trying it's best to part my hair on the left (to the right) again making me roughly 2-3 inches taller whenever I finished any particular road trip that involved open windows.

Forcing my hair to part on the left (to the right) again would actually make my scalp hurt back then.  But over the years, I got used to it.

So, for the past 27 years of my life, I have parted my hair the same way.  Sure, it's been longer and shorter at times.  It was cut like a mushroom once in the late 80's.  It was either the style of the day, or the woman cutting my hair hated me.  Seriously, the mushroom cut was where they essentially gave you a stylish bowl cut by damn near shaving your head from just above your ears and down the back of your neck while cutting the rest of your hair one length but making sure it never intruded over the shaved part.

I don't know if I described that well, but I don't care.

Before that, I had a mullet with short hair on the side, long bangs (I've always liked long bangs) and shoulder length on the back... Damn I was smooth!!!

And once, I cut my hair so short it was almost clean shaven.  I did that for a friend who was on chemo when a few of us opted to get together and shave our heads for him.  I don't think he ever lost his hair, no one else did it with me and my friend never saw me or knew that I had done so until my hair grew back...

I grew it all back and it is still quite thick.  I like it short in the back and on the sides and I like longish bangs.  It works for me.

So, this past Saturday (today is Monday) 27 years into my hair being parted on the right (to the left), my lovely child wanted to "do (my) hair."  It's very sweet when she does this as she does it every few months and it has never been a problem.

She spent an hour on it and I'm pretty sure I fell asleep once.  It was very relaxing until the last 15 minutes or so.  About 45 minutes into it, my hair started to hurt.  I'm sure it was my scalp where the roots are that actually hurt, but I could feel it in my hair.

As it turns out, she parted my hair to the right (on the left) essentially forcing my hair to go against nature and 27 years of tradition.   When my hair would not listen to her, she used "product" to make it happen.  She won and made it happen.

When she finished, she was all excited and told me how it made me look taller.  She was right.  It also made my hair shinier.

About a half of an hour after she finished my scalp was really aching.  I compare it to the feeling one has in their jaw after the orthodontist tightens their braces.

It's been two days now.  It still hurts to run my fingers through my hair and it isn't comfortable to sleep and rest my head on my big giant pillow.


On a quick side note, if you haven't caught on, I don't know if you describe a part by where it is (on the right or on the left) or by which direction it goes (to the left or to the right).  I apologize for the unnecessary words used to explain which side my part was on and which direction it was forcing my hair to go....