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Friday, August 31, 2012

Popping THE Question

I have heard it said that “you are never more alive than when you think you are about to die!” I have also heard (or maybe I made it up) that “you aren't measured by what you take away from risk but more by simply taking the risk itself!”

With where I am in my life and what I have to lose, I tend to take less (if any) risk than I used to. However recently, at the car wash, I saw an opportunity to take a risk, knowing that one misstep could amount to my doom.

I was sitting on a bench next to a lady who was surely younger than me, as we waited for our cars to be finished. We were making polite nods in each others' directions when I noticed something about her. This was something I felt I had to ask about even knowing that her answer could go terribly wrong. I dug deep down into my soul and mustered up the courage to ask the question that would either 1) start up a pleasant conversation or 2) LEAD TO MY GORY AND HORRIFIC DEATH!!!!

My fingers were tensing and I could feel sweat furrowing on my brow. She looked at me as if she was anticipating a confrontation. My mouth opened and I was too far into my momentum to stop. I had to get the words out...... I FELT SO ALIVE!!!

“Soooo, you're having a baby? “ I said as she walked away still smiling.

“Yup, in two weeks!” She smiled from ear to ear. Then the attendant called her as her car was ready.

“Congratulations!” I said.  We both went on with our lives and she was excited.  I took a risk, and that risk paid off and made her day!

However, this wasn't my first foray into such a a dangerous realm and, whereas, the only other time I was brave enough to ask the question, I was mostly correct, many do not have the luck I have had and they suffer greatly.

I was at a Christmas party, so it was December.  A woman and her husband we're standing in the kitchen and she was so physically strained that she had to lean back up against the stove.  She looked as though she was about to "pop" any day and have her baby!  I was excited for them.

They weren't talking about it though, which I would've thought would be ALL they could talk about; just by the look of her, I was sure that baby would be born before the new year.  Their complete lack of "we're having a BABY" talk should have given me some warning.  It did not.

I sidled up to the couple and just put it out there:  "So, when are you having that baby?"

She lit up, with joy and smiled.  The husband chuckled to himself and smiled as if proud and terrified at the same time.  "Oh my goodness, we're so excited.  Who told you?"

In hindsight, I'm grateful she didn't ask "how did you know?" because I would have said, "Well, look at your beer gut!!! How could I NOT know?!?!?" And chuckled.  Instead, slyly, I just said, "Ohhhhhh, you know, I just had a sneaking suspicion."   chuckle chuckle guffaw....

Then as if I had just outed them, the wife proudly raised her voice and announced to everyone in the room "guys, we're having our first baby... in JULY!"

JULY?  I just slowly backed away and decided to keep myself out of any further conversation with this family for fear or really getting myself in trouble.  It worked okay, I politically smiled an nodded in joy as I stepped backwards.  She was then crowded by well wishers in the kitchen. 

I sipped my beer and thought that maybe I should NEVER ask people if they're pregnant when I'm drinking.  It also dawned on me that perhaps she was either a) making a fool out of me, b) gonna give birth to a Sasquatch or c) shaped kind of digferently.  It turned out to be "C."

For both of these instances, I survived and it feels AWESOME!!!!! I know, I know... surely I am some sort of adrenaline junky living on the edge. Well, maybe I am, or maybe I am'nt.

But I know one thing for sure, I have stood on the edge, I have risked it all, and I have given others a thrill.  However, it is NOT worth it to me to risk so much for so little, so hear me now.... I am NEVER going to do that again!!!

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