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Friday, August 24, 2012

My Movie... MINE!!! Get your own!

I often feel like a complete tool because I like movies that reviewers tell me are bombs. 

For example, last night I happily watched Star Trek Nemesis... just the name gets me all excited about sci-fi blow uppy type things.  And that is exactly what the movie is about. I've met many Trekkies who were offended by this one.  I've no idea why?

I also like Battlefield Earth, as cheesy as it is.  Just the name gets me all excited about sci-fi blow uppy type things.  And that is exactly what the movie is about!!!  This movie is downright HATED!!!

Seeing a pattern here?

But it's not just Sci-Fi cheesiness that I like.  That Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie movie The Tourist, was GREAT!!!  Bad reviews all around and Rikki Gervais seems convinced that it is Depp's worst movie... WHY?  I love it!  It's NOT a Chick Flick, it's a comedic thriller with romantic overtones.  AND PEOPLE DIE!!!  YESSSSS!!!

I even like Kevin Costner movies like Dances With Wolves, The Postman, Water World, The Bodyguard.... the list goes on.  And he gets bad reviews.  Lot's of 'em!

So people are die hard fans of particular genres or just plot and they get furious when they pay good money to be entertained, but it is not exactly how they want it.

I remember one roommate who would get mad at movies because, as he would put it, "This is complete B*LLSH*T!  All of those things wouldn't happen to that ONE guy!"  Of course I'd just irritate him further when I'd say "yes they would, if it was scripted that way. 'CUZ IT'S A MOVIE!!!" 

We weren't the best of roommates.

And that's what people fail to realize, not the part about bad roommates, but the part about scripts in relation to movies.

Most movies we see are scripted to make money and entertain and THAT'S IT!!! Now, some movies are there to send a message aaaaaaaaand make money and entertain, but make money and entertain, in fact, make money is the most important aspect.

I am in it for the whole "being entertained" aspect of the movie experience.  I want to be entertained. 

I remember the first time I saw The ROCK!  I thought "Whoaaaa.... Best. Movie. EVER!!!!"  And then I think I even bought it on VHS... Oh yeah, it was that good!  Now if I watch it, I am ashamed I ever liked it.   But that movie did what it was supposed to do, it entertained me and it took my money.  

I learned a valuable lesson with that movie, first off, DON'T run off and buy the VHS tape of a movie after having seen it only once in the theater.  Secondly, Don Simpson/ Jerry Bruckheimer films are very good at substituting action for plot.  Who needs a plot when you're smashing cars down San Francisco streets.  Have you actually ever tried to watch the movie Bullitt?  It's kind of boring, but then, there are the cars on San Francisco streets.  GIGGITY!!! GREAT MOVIE!!!

Now, I was sorely disappointed with myself for breaking my own rule when I saw AVATAR only once and then promptly bought the Blu Ray Disc as soon as it came out.  However, I just realized, just this instant, whilst typing this blog, that my rule was for VHS tapes... so there you go, no harm no foul.

After watching it a few times, I figured out that it was Dances With Wolves with Smurfs in space.  Dammit.

Anyone wanna buy the Blu Ray Disc of the most amazing movie to ever have "Avatar" in it's title?  I totally need to make space on my shelf for the Blu Ray Disc of The Avengers next month!!!!

I've only seen it once, but I plan on watching it A LOT!!!!

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