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Saturday, August 11, 2012

It's so nice to be awakie and doing stuffy. I just wish I didn't have this headachey!

My Saturday mornings have been so relaxing as of late.  It's very nice!  Soon enough I'll start my season of busy weekends.  That's a good thing.

This particular morning has been just as nice with just a few breaks in my routine.  See for the past week I've been babysitting a Basset Hound and a Bearded Dragon and its "pet" crickets.  The Basset is okay for the most part.  He's more relaxed than my own dog and he sleeps later than my dog, but he snores; he's just older.

The Bearded Dragon is sweet, as far as Dragons go.  The only real disappointing points about the Bearded Dragon are that it is not really an affectionate pet and it does not appear to breath fire.  I was really quite looking forward to the whole "breathing fire" part.  And although, Dragon's IS stupid, this particular "Dragon" is actually a lizard.  And I'll be honest, its "pet" crickets are really just the lizards version of a Happy Meal.

As it turns out, the crickets have been the most work.  You need to keep their living quarters clean and you need to feed them and give them a jelly type substance that replaces water.  I feel like I'm a shepard of sorts, a great and wise Cricket Herder!

I have found that a lot of people are intimidated by an 18 inch lizard.  It can be kind of freaky especially when it plays with the crickets.  I had to go to the pet store and buy some more crickets and this is when I noticed something funny.  I told the girl at the counter that I was looking for crickets for a Bearded Dragon.  She replied all smiles "ohhhhhh you have a Beardie?  How cute!"

Beardie?  It sounds much less intimidating when you say it that way, doesn't it?  Of course, almost instantly all of the animals with intimidating reputations that we humans associate with frequently ran through my head with their cute little nicknames:  "Rotty" for Rottweilers, "Pitty" for Pit Bulls, "Dobie" for the Doberman Pinchers, "Wolfie" for Mozart, etc......

I remember my child buying a stuffed snake and she gave it the most precious name of "Snakey."   Awwwwww.... how niiiiiice!  How is it that the long E sound when added to almost anything makes it cuter and less scary?  I'm not sure I know why but it works.

So, would our Armies have less anxiety if they were persecuting the "Talibanie" or had been engaged with the "Viet Congie."   It worked against the "Iraqi" Army, didn't it?

Yeah.  I think it works.  I'll try this out if the I.R.Sie ever comes at me with an auditie.

In the meantime, before I start my weekend chores, I'm going to sit back, relax, enjoy my Saturday morning and have my Coffee.... awwww, such a cute black liquid!

1 comment:

  1. Add "y poo" and that end of anything and then the cute level is off the charts! Aww look that the 20 foot snakey poo!!! ;) happy Saturday!!!
