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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Why I LOVE Bananas!

We've all been there: 

You walk into the grocery store.  You need Milk!  That's all you need but of course, there are other things you can use.  So you get just a tiny basket and you start at aisle one.  Milk is on like aisle 37 or something.  So, you "shop" and pick up a few things.

By the time you get to the dairy aisle/ section, your basket is full and you realize you're going to have to carry the milk with your free hand.  This is a good thing though, because now you can balance yourself out and have weight in both hands thus limiting your need to lurch around the store like a hunchback.  So, you're grateful to get the milk because a.) balance and b.) you'll be done shopping and you can soon go home.

However, upon reaching the dairy aisle, you run into an old friend.  They are sooooo happy to see you and you are likewise happy to see them.  But they have a cart and you are stuck shifting your weight from side to side to accommodate for the overflowing basket.  You are doing some sort of change hands, hip shod, lurch from side to side dance for them as you speak.  You are grateful to see this friend but really need to end this conversation soon unless you want your sciatica to act up. "Getting old sucks" you think to yourself as you and your friend move towards the check-out.

You wind up the conversation, pay for your groceries, stare at the cashier in awe upon the realization that you fit $132 worth of stuff into one little basket (you are equally proud and disgusted at that accomplishment), you carry everything out to your car with bags in both hands so you are equally balanced, you drive home and un-pack. 


Now, having just read all of that, you think you are reading about a real life experience.  Well, yes, you are, of course you are.  In fact that just happened to me last night. 

But in actuality I was using that whole experience to give you some insight into my mind and explain to you how complicated it is for me to write a blog about any particular subject.

See, if I start typing one of these things with my intention being one particular point, I am most likely going to miss it:
  • My brain is like the grocery store. 
  • My point is on the last aisle I need to go to. 
  • My introduction and build up to my point are all of the other annoying aisles I have to go through to get to my point. 
  • If something on one of those aisles distracts me for even one second, I'm screwed.

I recently started typing something about an interesting point about women's shoes but in turn wound up talking about my own shoe collection and followed it up talking about other crap I own.  I NEVER TALKED ABOUT THE WOMEN'S SHOES!!!!

Seriously, look at the title of this one.   Guess where I got lost?

1 comment:

  1. LOL. no really, out loud and Rick glanced at me with a frowny "what?" kind of look and of course I couldn't even begin to explain why I was lol :-)
