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Sunday, September 2, 2012

I'm not sure where she learns these things.

I just spent thirty minutes or so walking around my yard with my little girl.  We were looking for bugs.

See, yesterday she and some friends had a lemonade stand on the curb.  Actually, it was a strawberry/ kiwi crystal light stand, but for the 7 year old set, any table with any fluid up for sale on the side  of the road for strangers is a "lemonade stand!"

So there was a slight profit made yesterday.  Granted, of the 13 drinks sold at a dollar a pop (I let them choose the price; they were a little overzealous). Only four were sold to non-family types.

The kids agreed that half of the money made would go to charity and the other half would go to the mystically magical place known only as The DOLLAR STORE!!!!  I used to be humbled and maybe even embarrassed to go there when I was foolish and young.... Now I am so happy to be there with my child!!!

One of yesterday's purchases was a "bug catching kit" which is basically a large magnifying glass with a transparent handle for holding captured bugs that are caught with the plastic tweezers stored in the handle.

Every bug we saw was very quick and got away; ants, centipedes, spiders, crickets, ladybugs.... She wanted me to try to catch a fly and I said "who do you think I am? Mr. Miyagi?". She ignored me and moved on.

We did almost catch one of those freakish spider-cricket things that are so prevelant in dark places and nightmares.  When I tried to catch one and it jumped at my face my daughter screamed like a big girl.  Of course, she was across the yard from me, didn't see the spider-cricket, didn't know it was jumping at me, didn't see any of this happen and it might have been me screaming. Or the dog!  YEAH, I bet It was TOTALLY the dog.

After all of our efforts, we had no luck in finding any bugs to put in our little containment handle.

However, there is a slight chance that the child learned that if you hold a magnifying glass in the sun and direct the beam of light to and old leaf on the driveway, the leaf might get all smokey and charred.

Ever so slight of a chance that she learned that.

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