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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Really it's THIS Century Club!

So last Wednesday a posted a "short story" about Golden Fury on this blog.  It was really precious and if you haven't read it, you should go ahead an do so.  DO IT NOW!!!

I had intro'd this one on my blogs Facebook page stating:

"And this one is the one that started it all.  I'll explain later!"

And so, today's posting is to explain what I meant.

But first, for those of you who haven't, if you have the time, please "Like" my Facebook page for this blog.  It certainly isn't necessary as this blog and the page are pretty much open to the public.  However, when you like my page a.) I have a better idea of whom I am talking to when I write and 2,222,222.) I see a BIG number of likes that makes me feel all warm deep down inside.  Granted, the number is somewhat meaningless unless I am trying to make a career out of this.  With the way the economy and my career field is going, I honestly may have to try to make a career out of this at some point and I don't know if that's quite possible.

I actually did opt to allow ads on my page because supposedly I could get a check for like 50 Cents a month!  WHOO HOO!!! However, I got an e-mail from google ads saying something along the lines of "Ummmm, so yeah, we'll get back to you if and when we can find anyone who is interested, errrr, we mean, relatable to what you are writing about...."  I never should have crossed the Keebler people all those months ago.

So, I am moving on (more like back) to my original point!

So, on June 21, 2012 the tale of Golden Fury was my status on my personal Facebook page.  A few months before that post, I noticed that Facebook had started allowing status updates larger than 412 characters (or whatever the hell their old limit was) and I ran with it.

If you haven't figured out by now, God Help You, I can be long winded.  Many of my Facebook friends did in fact figure this out a while ago and quite a few of them egged me on to start a blog.  Sure they tried to sound all nice and sweet about it by saying things like "You know what you should do?  Instead of posting these long status updates on here, you should TOTALLY start a blog!  You'd be GREAT AT THAT!!!"

I ignored them.  It sounded like work.  In fact, it IS work.  I wanted nothing to do with that.

More friends tried to convince me that this would be my outlet.  "START A BLOG!!!" they would say.  "NUH UH!" I would say back.

So, on June 21st, I woke up upset with my dog for chasing a squirrel in her sleep, on my back.  I decided to status this experience!  Golden Fury was born!  Then another Golden Fury came after my post when a person near and dear to me (with golden locks and a sh*tload of fury) pretty much said "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?!?  THIS IS TOO LONG FOR FACE BOOK!!!" Then she calmed down and said, "You know what, go to this blog website and start a blog!"  So I did... mostly out of fear for my life.

That day I posted this.  I look back at it now and I chuckle.  Especially where I decide by the 3rd sentence that this may not really be work! 

And thus it began!  I posted every day for the first 30 days I believe and then I started to slow down.  In fact, actually, no.  I didn't slow down.  I'm pretty certain that I posted daily for the first 60 days.  This was mentally exhausting for me.  It really was. 

You know, if I did do this for a living in a nationally syndicated things, well, I'd be thrilled, but mostly, I'd probably only have to knock out one of these a week!  Instead, I was pumping them out daily.  Most of them I like to think are pretty good, but some of them really sucked.  I was just putting something out to get it out. 

It was hard for me, but I finally realized that I needed to slow down.  So I opted to start posting every other day.  I still write a lot, but I try to post in a pattern now.  Monday, Wednesday, Friday of one week followed by Tuesday and Thursday of the next.  This has made me feel more relaxed about writing.

Writing is the key for me.  I have NEVER liked writing but I have always been way to elaborate in most things I say.  Now I find this therapeutic for me.  Nothing may come of it but I feel better getting these words out of me.  I feel even better being able to go back and read these words and see where my head was at any particular time.

Now, I have said in the past that I wish to not write about controversial thoughts or depressing scenarios, but sometimes, it has proven unavoidable.  Life is hard for all of us and so many people are just too angry about most everything.  I don't want to feed any of those fires, but the feelings are there within me as well from time to time.  This takes me back to going back and reading what I have written.  I know how I feel about the election.  I know how I feel about extremist religious wackos (and now you probably do too) but in a year, I don't want to look back and see that I was mad about them and re-ignite that anger.  It's pointless for me to spend anytime focusing on anger towards those issues now, it will make less sense for me to get mad about it again when I look back.

So, as I have so clearly pointed out, I am focused on the inane and often pointless ramblings that go on within my head and in the world around me.  I'm good with this.  This is pretty much my diary and although I do not consider myself an extrovert, I am happy to share it with you.  In fact, I thank you very much for reading.

Those of you who do read these things often enough are more than aware that I can so easily get off point.  It works for me.  It works very much well!

So, what's my point today?  When am I going to explain my Facebook comment about Golden Fury?

Well, the Golden Fury blog entry was my 100th post in this blog (100 things achieved = Century Club).  I'm very excited about this!  I didn't know that I could write 100 different entries in a year let alone 5 months, but I did!  On Friday of last week I tried to publish my 101st blog highlighting this achievement, but instead, I simply commented on drinking games and bike rides.  Yes, I got distracted and I got WAYYYY off point.  Sorry.

So there you have it.  If you had planned this out in advance, through experience gained by following my blog, you would have probably thought to just scroll on down to the last few paragraphs and find out my point. 

It's how I write. 

It's how I roll. 

It's kind of like an episode of Cosby where everything wraps up neatly in the end.

As always, thank you for reading!

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