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Friday, November 16, 2012

I'm in the "Century Club!"

No, not the thing we did in our early twenties. 

You know, where a group of us would sit down with a bunch of beer and shot glasses with the SUPER COOL (aka ridiculously stupid) goal of doing a shot of beer a minute for 100 minutes.

We would keep up for quite sometime and stay relatively focused on the important task at hand.   Sixty minutes into it we would celebrate the "POWER HOUR!"  Which was aptly named as is it was when you drank a shot a minute for 60 minutes. Essentially, we had powered through 5 beers in an hour.  That's not too unheard of, but it is still remarkably foolish.

However, after the first sixty, and knowing you were over the hump, the next forty shots were damn near impossible.  By this time, you're really getting silly and your focus is a bit fuzzy mentally and visually.  You and your group will always lose count, even if you're using a clock.  You will remember a shot and you will think you've done too many.  Then there are also the bathroom breaks that take longer than a minute. 

This is where we all learned "breaking the seal is bad."  This essentially meant that if you peed once, the beer would start going straight through you.  I am not certain if there is any logic to this but it sure seems to work that way.

We would try to get one friend to be the designated timer which was the same as the designated driver as this person was not allowed to drink.  NOBODY wanted to be that guy and eventually they would cave and join in.  They would start to be the "substitute drinker" for those who had to pee for ten minutes or so.

And once you completed the 100 minutes, you were useless, but felt ultimately cooler knowing (not really) that you had just had about 8.3 beers in less than two hours. 

STUPID!!!!  Yet, we tried.

I tried this once playing "Scarface" with 40 ounce containers of the oh so sexy malt liquor variety.  This is when you watch the movie Scarface and you drink a shot every time Tony Montana drops an "F-bomb".  This is another foolish game.  The 90's "love of my life" girlfriend called me to "talk" that night, as we were having troubles.  The problem is that she called during that brilliant round of beer play. 

She and I didn't speak again for almost ten years.  Yup, Good times!

But, no actually.  The mindless health risking drinking games of my early twenties are not the Century Club of which I speak.

Neither am I speaking of the polar opposite Century Club which was the attempt to ride 100 miles on your bicycle (in one ride).  You wouldn't know it to look at me now, and you wouldn't have known it by looking at me then either, but I once considered myself to be an avid cyclist.  I never did a Century ride mainly due to time.  But on the weekends, I would often do a "half century plus 3" which was a much cooler way of saying a 53 mile ride.

Naked Bob and I would ride for about 3+ hours and really enjoy ourselves.  Naked Bob was a cycling fanatic and rode off road daily.  He wasn't a competitor and he was about 15 to 20 years older than me, but he was impressive.  I got him into road cycling.  Luckily, he didn't ride naked so that's not where I came up with his nickname.  No, he wore cycling clothes.  He wore them all the time. In fact, when I would pick him up to go for a ride he would get into my truck dressed in cycling clothes.  As soon as we got to our starting point he would strip down buck naked right in front of my truck (and me) and change into other cycling clothes.

Voila, "NAKED BOB!"

As it turned out, Naked Bob had done a lot of drugs in the late sixties, early seventies, mid and late seventies, most likely throughout the eighties and probably right on through to today.  I haven't seen him in 5 or 6 years at least, but if you saw him, the long grey pony tail and cycling clothes are a dead giveaway.

He probably did a lot of Century Clubs of the beer variety as well.

So here's the thing...

I have gotten SOOOOOO way off point explaining to you what Century Club I am not a part of that I do not wish to make you read anymore. 

With that, I will make this a two-parter and get back to you with it on Tuesday or so!

I hope the suspense doesn't get to you.

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