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Thursday, November 22, 2012

I am thankful today and every day.

I'll just tell you right now, that it is perfectly acceptable for you to skip to the end of the list.  Really, the point I'm trying to make is at the end.

(start skipping)
1.)   I woke up this morning.
2.)   I was in a soft bed.
3.)   I had sheets and a blanket to cover me.
4.)   They were clean.
5.)   I had pillows.
6.)   I got up in a warm house.
7.)   There is carpet on the floor.
8.)   I have running water.
9.)   I have a healthy child.
10.) I know she is healthy because she climbed in bed with me during the night and kicked me several times in her sleep.
11.) I have a healthy dog
12.) I know she is healthy because she climbed in bed with me during the night and kicked me several times in her sleep.
13.) I have lights to help me walk down the hall out of my room.
14.) I had a warm cup of coffee
15.) I had a window to look out while I poured my coffee.
16.) There are trees outside.
17.) I own the truck I can see through the window.
18.) It works.
19.) I have a couch to sit on.
20.) I had a blanket to cover up with on the couch.
21.) I have a light to turn on next to the couch.
22.) I have a news paper to read.
23.) I have family around me
24.) They are healthy
25.) They did NOT climb in bed with me during the night
26.) I have a television to watch while I sit
27.) I have a pillow to rest my head on the couch
28.) There are more channels that I know what to do with
29.) I have a tablet to pre-occupy me
30.) I have the internet/ wifi to access the world n my tablet
31.) I have a cell phone that does most of the same things as my tablet
32.) It also is useful as a phone
32.) You're not really reading this are you?
33.) I have some money in the bank (not much but some)
34.) I can afford to pay for my phone
35.) I can afford to fuel my truck
36.) I can afford to feed my child
37.) I can afford to feed my dog
38.) I need to spend less on feeding me
39.) I am healthy
40.) I have a place to shower/ bathe
41.) I have warm water
42.) I have soap
43.) I have what I need to shave
44.) I have deodorant (be grateful)
45.) I have a towel to dry myself
46.) I have clean clothes to put on
47.) I have a comb/ brush for my hair
48.) I have hair on my head(for now)
49.) I have a warm breakfast
50.) I have a frumpy child who just woke up and hugged me
(stop skipping)

That was only FIFTY things that I have or have happened to me in the last 45 minutes of my day.  The majority of them are things I really don't need.

They are all things that happen almost every day.

They are things that most likely the majority of the people on the earth don't have.

They are things that are VERY EASY to take for granted each and every day.

I know that I can think of 100 things each and every day that I am grateful for that happen so frequently I forget to be grateful for them.  I can think of at least ten things that upset me daily that haven't happened to me in a very long time yet they linger within me.

Okay, so, here's my point: 

We have so much to be grateful for everyday but they happen so often that we get used to them and overlook them.  The negative things happen so few and far between that they seem SO MUCH easier to focus on and SO MUCH harder to forget.

Try to focus on the positive and simple things that happen every day.  I try to and it is not so easy.


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