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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I think my Brain is full.

I like to write about the simple moments that make me laugh. I prefer to reminisce about happier unexpected moments in my life.

Recently one of those moments happened and came in the form of the lady I saw who obviously was an obsessive weight lifter with big man arms.  It's not that a woman with muscular and cut arms is not feminine and attractive, but her arms we're right up there with Clubber Lang meat hooks!  And they were attached to a small blond woman's frame.

Anyway, she was walking two dogs; in her right hand she held the leash for the dachshund.  In her left she was holding the leash for a St. Bernard.

I looked at her and laughed.  Only then did I notice that she could easily squash me with her big Clubber Lang arms.  But she was overall petite and she looked at me curiously and did not kill me.

"Do you have to switch hands with them every block or so as to keep one arm from getting bigger than the other?"  I heard myself say in a humorous manner.

She chuckled and said "Oh yes.  Yes, yes I do.  They keep me busy!"

We both chuckled and she kept walking on as I carried groceries into the house.

Even though I stood about a foot or so taller than her, she could have just hammered me into the ground like a spike if she had wanted to.  What the hell was I thinking?

Well, I was thinking that she was a dog person, like me, and that she would see the humor in my comment.  Luckily for me, she did and I am not a little pile of squishy pieces on the sidewalk.

And that's the kind of stuff I want to write about.

Lately I have found it more difficult to stay focused and write about these every day moments I share with friends, family, strangers and people who most likely bought some Clubber Lang bits off of e-bay.  I think that once the school years started I became more focused on my child's homework and became too distracted to write.

It is really tough having to relearn every thing I forgot I learned that I had originally learned so that I could learn the stuff I needed to learn.  Still with me?  Well, neither am I, but that's the kind of thing that's been going through my head lately.

Maybe now you understand why I've been posting less often?  If you do understand, can you please explain it to me?

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