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Thursday, October 18, 2012

I am a Block-head...

I have writer's block.

It's a neat thing to have when your life doesn't rely on being able to write and you only choose to write for no reason.  No seriously!  Granted, any sort of mental block is bad, but I would assume that some sort of arterial block or colonic block or driveway block would be much worse.  But again, only if you aren't relying on your writing to keep you alive.

Okay, I guess it's not "neat" like "oh cool, I have writer's block... ain't it grand?"  But more like "oh bother I have writer's block.  I think I will go to Starbucks and waste away for hours as I try to explain to all whom I might meet my concerns about a dystopin future society that is already presenting itself within the media."  In that sense, writers block makes you feel like an important arteest (real slick type of artist), who is able to make misery trendy!

And when I say it's bad for people who are relying on their writing to keep them alive, It's not like I'm talking about someone who is about to die due to a lack of verbiage.  No no no, I am referring to someone who has "writer" or "author" in their career title.  If you are a writer and you cannot write, you cannot generate income for your livelihood and then Queen Latifah* will come and harass you into writing and killing off Will Ferrell and nobody wants that! 

*That was a reference to one of my most favorite movies.  And honestly, I would TOTALLY want that to happen to me.

Although I guess it would be bad to have writer's block if there was someone holding a gun to your head speaking something at you in a fake yet Hollywood-esque German accent saying "vee hahv vays auf maykeeng you write dee verds on dee papers or vee shoot you unt zee head!  YA!!!"  I've known German's and they almost never talk like that.

But yes, that would be an unpleasant time to have writer's block.  You'd probably have the previously mentioned colonic blockage as well.... or maybe the exact opposite.  I don't know.  I'm sure I never will.

It's not like anything I write is going to compete for a Pulitzer.  And sadly, it doesn't bring in any sort of income.  I just put out this stuff when it comes to mind.  But lately nothing is coming to mind and so I feel like I have nothing to write about.

Oh sure, I could write about any old thing at any old time, but where is the challenge in that.  Not that I got into this for the challenge.  I got into this whole blog writing thing to get stuff out of my head that was taking up space.  However, I feel my theory has backfired.

It turns out my brain works like some folks front yards.  If you burn it down it just comes back thicker and fuller.  So, the more I write, the more I seem to have on my mind.  The harder it is to focus.  The more stuff that wants to escape from my brain hole (no idea what the scientific term for this is) so the more chance it'll all block up on the way out.

And voila... I have NOTHING I can focus on to write about, ergo... Writer's Block!

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