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Saturday, June 30, 2012

"Johnny... put da bear on ice!"

We've become notorious whiners about everything that is wrong in the world.

In this particular blog I'm not going to touch on any big controversy and try to crack any proverbial icebergs; nope, global warming will do that for me (there's one)!

No, I'm more concerned about some of the little things that we all tend to complain about.  Here are four that I've heard in the last week and they were never an issue before recent history.

It's really, really, really, really quite rather hot outside today (I swear, this isn't about global warming).  And I have complained about it some just like most folks.  Sure, the heat kills people and animals and it melt's stuff and causes things to be so unbearable to touch that just by doing so you can get a third degree burn (and this is a valid frustration) but, the common rebuttal that I hear to complaining about the heat is "well, back in the 40's and before, there was no AC so nobody complained about the heat." 

Where is the logic in that?  If nobody complained about the heat, then why the hell did they invent AC?  I'm thinking that they did in fact complain.  I'm willing to bet that people only stuck it out, because, yeah, there was no alternative, but they sure as hell complained.  

What they didn't complain about was "boy I hope someone invents AC soon."  What they probably did complain about is "boy, I'm so worn out from this heat that I can't even run away from this bear."  BEARS PEOPLE!!!!!  I'd be willing to bet that since the AC was invented, bear attacks have decreased by tens at the very least!!!  No, I do not think that statistic could be affected by the number of people with rifles over hunting the species or even the fact that people now live in communities as opposed to in the woods.  Go with me on this, it's the AC.

We get upset about the most miniscule of things like the score of our baseball game not updating as fast as it should on our smart phone.  WHAT?  100 years ago if you didn't have a radio, you had to wait until the paper came out or for someone to tell you what the score was.  And 100 years before that, THEY DIDN'T EVEN HAVE BASEBALL!!!!  You had to wait another 70 years to get ANY score.  Now how much are you going to complain about the amount of seconds it is going to take you to get your score?

Here's one I like, "My garbage disposal smells" spoken all high and mighty and whiny.  Well, pour some bleach down the thing.  A long time ago everyone had to eat everything on their plate and they didn't have disposals. 

Do you know what happened when Fred Flintstones garbage disposal smelled?  Nothing, they just accepted it.  If Fred had poured bleach down the disposal, he would have killed a dino-pig (or piggiesaurus or something).  IT WOULD BE DEAD!!!  STOP WHINING!!!!

And if they didn't finish all their food, they saved it and ate it later only to get dysentery or something like that.  And then when they were sick and had to go to the outhouse... BEARS!

We have it too good.

"My tv reception is out..." WHAT?  100 years ago... well I don't know what they did without tv, maybe it was something with sock puppets by candle light.  And then... and then the sock puppets would catch on fire and you'd lose your hand and maybe even your house!!! YEAH!!!  How dare you complain about your tv reception when people were once dying to be entertained.

I sometimes feel guilt about how much better technology has made our lives compared to people who had no idea of what they were missing.  We've advanced so much that we cannot go back with much ease.  Sure, as a species we'd survive without all of the advances but we'd know what we're missing and we'd have so much more to complain about. It might be easier to abandon all technology and just go live in the world if not for all the bears.

Whining about all the conveniences of life is bad enough.  Whining about the whiners is nuts.  Just think about it.



Oh Mannnnnn...

C'mon already....

HOW THE @&*(&$@(# LONG IS THIS (&$)(@* BLOG GONNA TAKE TO (I&$ @$#&@# UPLOAD?!?!?!?  Gahhhhhhhhhhh....

1 comment:

  1. WHERE do you come up with these things?? geesh...kids these days just don't realize how easy/good they have it :)
