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Monday, November 11, 2013

Veteran's Day 2013

On one of my social media accounts today, a friend of mine commented rather negatively on an image of my daughter resting her hand on my Father's headstone at the National Cemetery in which he is buried. the comments offended and irritated me. 

I do not get upset easily but their words upset me a great deal. Whereas I used to be close to this person, many of those who could read their comments are not and would not understand why they would say such a thing, but, after a couple of folks actually reached out to me, I thought I needed to respond. 

This is what I felt I had to say:

Dear, YOUR NAME HERE, as I typically hold back on spouting out my opinion and passion in such a public forum, I had originally deleted your comment about "being a stickler" regarding how I “should not have posted this picture on Veteran's Day because Memorial Day is for those who have died.” However, I feel I must respond because, as much as I have enjoyed your company and respected your opinion in the past, on this particular day you could not have picked a worse image to spew out what I see as a certain level of ignorance under a picture that means the world to me!

First off, my Father served for more than two decades protecting us in the Submarine Service of our Navy. He and so many more heroes lay buried in this National Cemetery, a place that neither you nor I will EVER have the honor of being interred. His sacrifice and those of countless other soldiers and sailors will never be equaled by ANYTHING you and I will ever do for this or any nation.

Secondly, in dying he did not become any less of a veteran. This day is a day to remember any and all veterans of our military service whether they are living, dead, volunteered or were drafted, served one year or served their entire career.

Each and every day we live in this nation, whether or not we agree with the political climate, we need to be thankful that these heroes have been and are still here for us. Today is the day that we show that gratitude and remembrance on a Federal level. 

If you can't take my word for it, here, read about it on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veterans_Day

Thirdly, what the hell is wrong with you? Criticizing me posting a picture of my daughter visiting my Father's grave site is never going to be well received. Keep that to yourself!

That headstone and the hundreds (perhaps even thousands by now) out there serve as a reminder to her and so many others of the impact these VETERANS have made and the importance of their lives in the eyes of our Nation.

I hope this small fraction of my thoughts on the matter helps you to better understand what today is about, especially to me.

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