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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

....And nobody had to die.

Yesterday was a bad day.  It was a very very bad day.

No, nobody died.  So there was a plus.

It was so frustrating and difficult that I was afraid to talk to anyone out of fear of saying those damning words of "It couldn't get any worse" because then it totally would've gotten worse.  So, I talked to no one.

I'm not going to give all of the details that led to the bad day other than to list:
- City Hall
- Software
- Exhaustion
- Plumbing
- Expenses
- Life Choices
- Employment Concerns
- Kim Jong Un
- General Irritability
- Groceries
and so much more...

All of that simply pushed me to a brink.  Granted, nothing in my life suddenly changed yesterday to make anything significantly worse.  It just all seemed to chew me up and spit me back out.

I think my biggest issue yesterday was the lack of acceptance within me.  There was nothing for me to fight against, and nothing I could do to change anything going on.  I simply needed to accept it and find comfort in the fact that I'm no worse off than I was the day before.  And I really wasn't bad off then.

But, surely you know the feeling(s) right?  Where suddenly you feel like screaming at the top of your lungs "I'VE HAD ENOUGH AND I JUST WON'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!"   But there's always that concern that life will just scream right back at you "OH YEAH.... Really?!?!?!"

Well that's where I was.  Granted, the majority of it was most likely in my head or me just beating myself up.

Anyway, my work day ended and I went home.  I got to spend an evening with my little girl.  That, was Heaven!

We had a great night with another family member and ate some lasagna made by a different family member and then played games and chatted.  Simple stuff, but so peaceful.

Then at bedtime, as I was ready to read her a book, she mixed it up a little and decided to read to me.  "Daddy, I think you said you like this one...."

I had one of those moments where you feel that your parenting is paying off and your kid just might not be as messed up as you fear you may be making them.  It was nothing major, and it was probably much more touching to me than in was to her, but I like to think it meant the world to both of us.

She pulled out from behind her back my personal favorite from Dr. Suess's catalog, Fox in Sox!  This is his best work and my favorite part is all about the Tweedle Beetles!  I used to read this to her quite often from perhaps her birth until about 6 and a half, then I had to start reading about princesses and stuff....

But oh how last night was wonderful as she read the chaos from the pages.  On page 27 she needed a break "Daddy, my mouth hurts, can you read some?"  And so I did, but by page 29 she took it back.  When we finally got to the Tweedle Beetles she stopped and looked at me "Daddy, you can read this part.  I know it's your favorite!"

I almost cried, but that would have made it harder to read.  So I totally MANNED UP and read about "tweedle beetles battling in a puddle  with a paddle in a bottle on a poodle!"  Because that is an AWESOME read!!!

Everything else was gone.  I was sharing a moment watching my child read to me something I had read to her dozens (if not more) of times before and she only did it because she knew I liked it!  All seemed right with the world.

When will she be ready to read The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy  to me?  Ohhhhhh I can hardly wait!

Anyway, all seemed better in my world this morning.  She woke up, we had breakfast and I took her to school.

AND THEN SOME S.O.B. CUT ME OFF IN TRAFFIC!!!!  I wanted to unleash some Tweedle Beetle Justice on him I tell you what!

C'est la vie'.

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